The seeds of Serenity Ministries were planted in 1996. They germinated and began to grow in the year 2000 and then blossomed in 2001.
Our global outreach program takes members of the fellowship to sacred sites, energy sites and places of religious and historical significance. We choose to make a difference by expressing unconditional love, acceptance and harmony 24/7. We always endeavor to walk our talk and live and express the principles of mastery.
The fellowship of this ministry are independent; we are roaming monks with no physical structure to lecture within. As with our brothers Jesus, Buddha and Francis of Assisi and our sisters Quan Yin, Bhikkhuni Maha Pajapati Gotami, Clare of Assisi and Mother Teresa, the world is our cathedral. We are instruments of the Creator’s Unconditional Love and Healing; actively utilizing the SVH Active Form of Prayer.
This method of prayer unconditionally assists to emancipate us from obstructions to creating a life of harmony, abundance and an open communication with Our Blessed Creator.
Jesus taught on hillsides and in houses and anywhere people gathered to hear him. In that theme of service, Serenity Ministers require no church building for a house of worship. The Creator’s Message of Hope and Peace and Love is radiated through their actions, through their words and through their message of sovereignty and personal empowerment.
To us everything of this world is sacred, because we believe Our Blessed Creator is everywhere and within everything. As monks and master initiates we strive to reach supreme levels of enlightenment and reflect those principles to all.
The code we live by is aligned with the highest principles of divine truth and each step in our journey is traversed on a path leading to our ultimate destination of ascension.
We are messengers of peace and unity. We are committed to the purpose of bridging cultural, religious and political gaps, supporting unity and peaceful alliances between peoples and countries.
The hierarchy of our ministry fellowship begins at SVH Level 1 Practitioner Certification. The progression of a Serenity Healing Minister Initiate’s course of study is SVH Level 1, SVH Level 1 Master Practitioner and SVH Level 2 Certification.
A SVH Level 2 Master Practitioner is elevated to Healing Minister.
When a Healing Minister completes their SVH Level 3 course of study they are eligible for ordination. As an ordained minister of Serenity Ministries, these members of the fellowship are entitled to continue their course of studies and elevate within the hierarchy of the ministry.
SVH Level 3 Master Practitioners are qualified to step into the role of Reverend Eminence, which is currently the highest elevation in the stages leading to the Order of the Lotus.
As a Serenity Ministries monk, we have no standard vestments or ceremonial robes. Ordained ministers and monks elevated to Reverend Eminence and to the Order of the Lotus have the option of wearing a ministry liturgical stole that reflects their rank within the ministry.

The ministry fellowship and practitioners of the Serenity Vibration Healing® and Enlightenment Technique have expanded to encompass nearly twenty countries.
Serenity Ministries offices began their services in Eagle, Idaho where classes, community outreach projects and the hub of the ministry were buzzing with activity. Rev. Jill Marie implemented global teleconference meditations, SVH tele-classes and private personal empowerment sessions. She gave bi-monthly lectures and discourses on specific topics that support personal empowerment, sovereignty and alignment with one's sacred path and purpose. Many of these free lectures are accessible to millions, through podcasts and as downloads from websites all over the globe.
The fellowship of the ministry is headquartered throughout the world, with the current location of the worldwide ministry based at the Convent Les Cordeliers, in France.

There are numerous certified instructors that teach SVH Levels 1-2. They are listed on the official SVH website at
Rev. Jill Marie teaches all levels of SVH by request and is the exclusive instructor of the advance disciplines of SVH Level 2 Mastery, SVH Level 3, SVH Level 3 Mastery and The Ancient Mastery Schools of Earth.